Narcotics Anonymous Meetings in the USA: Find Support and Recovery

What is Narcotics Anonymous? Narcotics Anonymous is a nonprofit, community-based organization that helps people who have a drug problem. NA was founded in the 1950s and is based on the 12-step program. The purpose of this group is to give people in recovery a supportive environment. Its primary goal is to offer a place where …

Top 5 Reverse Phone Number Lookup Services: Find Out Who’s Calling You

With the advent of smartphones, one can remain connected with people from every nook and corner of the world. Be it a simple text message from a friend or a call from a family member, communication has never been easier. But as our phones became smarter, ways through which people try reaching us also became …

Working Group: Topics

    Completed Topics | Topics Under Review | Topics Identified     Topics Identified   Disorder/Effect Test to be Assessed* Clinical Scenario Target Population Intended Use Acne G6PD Individuals prior to treatment for acne Treatment with dapsone Acute Cellular Rejection (ACR) Gene Expression  Heart Transplant Patients Risk Assessment for low/moderate ACR Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia …

EGAPP Working Group Recommendations

Disease/Condition Genetic Test/Purpose Test Use EGAPP� Recommendation Breast Cancer: Can tumor gene expression profiling improve outcomes in patients with breast cancer? Prognostic: association of genetic markers with disease severity, progression Insufficient evidence to recommend for or against use Read the EGAPP recommendation (January 2009) Cardiovascular Disease: Recommendations from the EGAPP Working Group: Genomic profiling to …

The low profile residence on top of Thomson Pinnacle

Category: Things to Know December 10, 2019 egappropertyLow profile developments, New Developments, Things to Know Lo and behold, who would have possibly noticed this? Although many awesome residential developments are springing up in Singapore, almost none of the people I spoke to realised the existence of this beauty. Peak Residence is clearly ahead of others …

The low profile residence on top of Thomson Pinnacle

Author: egapproperty December 10, 2019 egappropertyLow profile developments, New Developments, Things to Know Lo and behold, who would have possibly noticed this? Although many awesome residential developments are springing up in Singapore, almost none of the people I spoke to realised the existence of this beauty. Peak Residence is clearly ahead of others in terms …

The low profile residence on top of Thomson Pinnacle

Category: New Developments December 10, 2019 egappropertyLow profile developments, New Developments, Things to Know Lo and behold, who would have possibly noticed this? Although many awesome residential developments are springing up in Singapore, almost none of the people I spoke to realised the existence of this beauty. Peak Residence is clearly ahead of others in …