Working Group: Understanding EGAPP


Working Group: Understanding EGAPP


Steps in the EGAPP Working Group Review Process

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Overview   |   Step 1   |   Step 2   |   Step 3   |   Step 4


Step 2: Commission & Conduct Evidence Review


Summary: An evidence review involves many steps and is meant to synthesize available evidence on a particular disorder, test, and clinical scenario.

CDC commissions systematic evidence reviews using two strategies:


  • Comprehensive Reviews are usually done in partnership with Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Evidence-based Practice Centers (AHRQ EPCs). EPCs conduct comprehensive literature searches and evaluation, with detailed
    documentation of methods and results.


  • Targeted and/or Rapid Reviews are conducted for topics with minimal literature to review and/or targeted questions to answer. These reviews are coordinated by CDC-based EGAPP staff in collaboration with technical contractors and expert core consultants.


Evidence reports, the products of these reviews, are detailed, systematic, objective assessments of the available scientific and
clinical evidence on a specific topic. Evidence reports are the basis for deliberations by the EGAPP Working Group as they develop
their Recommendation Statements.


Who is involved:  CDC commissions the review, the EWG develops the key questions to be addressed, and the selected review team (e.g., EPC or other contracted group) conducts the review and produces a report.  The review team establishes a Technical Expert Panel (TEP) to provide guidance, usually including topic experts and two to three EWG members.


Transparency:  All EGAPP Working Group members, review team members, and consultants disclose potential conflicts of interest
for each topic considered. Evidence reports undergo external expert review. Reports or manuscripts published with CDC staff as authors may undergo CDC clearance.







Comprehensive EPC Reviews

Rapid and/or Targeted Reviews

Conducted by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Evidence-based Practice Centers

Technical Expert Panel (TEP) by EPC established to guide review

  • The TEP includes topic experts and 2-3 EWG members to finalize key questions and guide the scope and content of the review.

Evidence report drafted

  • Evidence reviewers solicit comments on draft evidence report from TEP, EWG, and expert reviewers selected by the EPC.

Final evidence report provided to AHRQ

Optional: EPC publishes summary manuscript in journal


Conducted by reviewers who may include:

  • Core EGAPP consultants in with expertise in evidence-based review
  • Consultants in specific topic areas (e.g., oncology)
  • CDC-based technical EGAPP staff

TEP established to guide review

  • The TEP includes topic experts and 2-3 EWG members to finalize key questions and guide the scope and content of the review.

Evidence report drafted

  • Evidence reviewers solicit comments on draft evidence report from TEP, EWG, and expert reviewers selected by the review group.

Final evidence report provided to CDC and EWG

  • Approved by EWG
  • If CDC authors, cleared by CDC
  • EWG provides final report to selected test developers for comment to aid in developing Recommendation Statement
  • Final evidence report posted on EWG web site
  • Evidence summary is prepared for submission to journal


Page last updated: July 19, 2010
Page last reviewed: December 23, 2008
Content Source: EGAPP Team