Working Group: Understanding EGAPP


Working Group: Understanding EGAPP


Steps in the EGAPP Working Group Review Process 

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Overview   |   Step 1   |   Step 2   |   Step 3   |   Step 4


Step 3: Develop Evidence-Based Recommendation Statement


Summary: The EGAPP Working Group (EWG) reviews the evidence report, considers contextual issues, and may consider other
sources of evidence. A draft recommendation statement is developed, peer-reviewed, and submitted for publication.


EWG Recommendation Statements are based on CDC-commissioned evidence reports, other review of evidence as needed, the quality of available data, and potential clinical and social impact of using the test in practice.


Who is involved: EWG, with support from CDC-based EGAPP staff and consultants.


Transparency: Review of comments from industry and a range of stakeholders (e.g., from professional organizations, health plans, consumer groups, and public health programs).



  • Peer-reviewed, published EWG Recommendation Statements



Recommendation Statement Development Process



>> See Step 4: Disseminate EGAPP Products & Communicate Informational Messages to Stakeholders


Page last updated: July 19, 2010
Page last reviewed: December 23, 2008
Content Source: EGAPP Team