Working Group: Topics


Working Group: Topics


Completed Topics | Topics Under Review | Topics Identified



Topics Under Review


Use of a Multigene Panel to Estimate Lifetime Risk of Developing  Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) and Improve Patient Outcomes
Use of TCF7L2 Testing in a High Risk1 Population to Determine Short Term (3-4 yrs) Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) and Improve Outcomes


Disorder: Diabetes, Type 2


Test: DNA-based testing panels that identify variants in multiple genes associated with lifetime risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes and DNA-based genotyping that identify variants in the TCF7L2 gene associated with short term risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.


Clinical Scenario:  An individual’s risk for Type 2 Diabetes is based on a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The results of multigene test panels that identify variations in certain genes can be used, in some cases along with family history and/or lifestyle information, to determine an individual’s risk for Type 2 Diabetes.  Additionally, the results of testing for TCF7L2 gene variants in high risk individuals can be used to determine an individual’s risk for short term development of Type 2 Diabetes.   It has been proposed that individuals testing positive for genetic variants associated with Type 2 Diabetes  may be more motivated to seek and be compliant with pharmaceutical interventions (e.g., glucose controlling drugs), or to adopt recommended lifestyle changes (e.g., diet, exercise), in order to reduce their risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Additionally, it has been proposed that individuals testing positive for TCF7L2 genetic variants associated with Type 2 Diabetes  may be more motivated to seek and be compliant with pharmaceutical interventions (e.g., glucose controlling drugs), or to adopt recommended lifestyle changes (e.g., diet, exercise), in order to reduce their risk of Type 2 Diabetes. 


arrow EGAPP considerations for topic selection


  • Key criteria: Prevalence and severity of Type 2 Diabetes; testing is offered through both clinical and direct-to-consumer models, each with unique considerations, two clinical scenarios.
  • Other Considerations: Estimating risk of Type 2 Diabetes based on variants in multiple genes, individually and in combination, challenges risk assessment and EGAPP evidence review methods.


Evidence Report: pending
EGAPP Recommendation: pending
See other products: pending
Last revised: 09/22/10


DISCLAIMER: This information is NOT intended to be a complete or comprehensive review but just an introduction to the topic. The topics listed are NOT endorsed by nor should Imply Endorsement of the test or Manufacturer by EGAPP. Selection of any topic by EGAPP for an evidence review may result in changes to the disorder, test technology, clinical scenario, and EGAPP considerations for selection.


Page last updated: October 4, 2010
Page last reviewed: September 22, 2010
Content Source: EGAPP Team