Working Group: Understanding EGAPP


Working Group: Understanding EGAPP


Steps in the EGAPP Working Group Review Process 

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Recommendation Statement
 EGAPP Working Group (EWG)
EGAPP Working Group (EWG) selects Topics
EGAPP Working Group (EWG) develop evidence-based reccommendation statements

 EGAPP consultants and CDC-based staff

EGAPP consultants and CDC-based staff selects Topics
EGAPP consultants and CDC-based staff commissions and conducts evidence review
EGAPP consultants and CDC-based staff develop evidence-based reccommendation statements
EGAPP consultants and CDC-based staff disseminate EGAPP products and communicate to stakeholders

 EWG members who serve on Technical Expert Panel

EWG members who serve on Technical Expert Panel  commissions and conducts evidence review
EWG members who serve on Technical Expert Panel develop evidence-based reccommendation statements
EWG members who serve on Technical Expert Panel disseminate EGAPP products and communicate to stakeholders

 EWG who serve on the recommendation writing team

EWG who serve on the recommendation writing team develop evidence-based reccommendation statements
EWG who serve on the recommendation writing team disseminate EGAPP products and communicate to stakeholders

 EGAPP Stakeholders Group (ESG)

EGAPP Stakeholders Group (ESG) selects Topics
EGAPP Stakeholders Group (ESG) disseminate EGAPP products and communicate to stakeholders
 Other stakeholders and interested public
Other stakeholders and interested public selects Topics
Other stakeholders and interested public disseminate EGAPP products and communicate to stakeholders

 Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPCs) and other  review groups

Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPCs) and other review groups commissions and conducts evidence review
Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPCs) and other review groups disseminate EGAPP products and communicate to stakeholders

 Expert and/or peer reviewers

Expert and/or peer reviewers commissions and conducts evidence review
Expert and/or peer reviewers develop evidence-based reccommendation statements
 Industry/test developer*
 * invited comment on the final evidence report
Industry/test developer selects Topics
Industry/test developer commissions and conducts evidence review


For more information see EGAPP FAQs or CDC EGAPP Initiative external link or email us at [email protected]



Links to organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by EGAPP, and none should be inferred. EGAPP is not responsible for the content of the individual organization Web pages found at these links.


Page last updated: July 19, 2010
Page last reviewed: December 23, 2008
Content Source: EGAPP Team